What to Expect
A single RTT® Hypnotherapy session usually last for 2 - 2.5 hours.
This time can vary slightly depending on what comes up during the session. You are often very relaxed, calm and sleepy after the sessions, so I do recommend that you set aside some time after the session ends for yourself.
This will give you time to process what you have discovered and to practice self-care.
A single session includes
30 minutes clarity coaching session…
A talk session where you get clear on how you want to feel and the outcomes you intend for yourself.
The second and main part…
Hypnosis where you dialogue with your subconscious mind to reveal, eliminate and reprogramme the situations in your life that are blocking you from achieving the goal in your clarity session.
You travel back in time using your mind’s eye to certain instances in your life where you attached beliefs about yourself. You get to the very core of the emotional aspect of the challenges we face. You begin to understand how a lot of your thoughts and behaviour today stem from things you perceived from when you were young. When we look back as adults, we frequently see the experience through our adult eyes rather than seeing it through the eyes of a child.
We gain a clarity that some of the events caused grief, judgement and helplessness and although we can take an objective look at it now, we realise at the time the feelings were genuine, sincere and sometimes frightening. It is a healthy and safe way to explore where and why you believe the way you believe now.
The third part of the session…
Personalised transformational audio recording, using the content of the session to really reinforce all your learning, supporting a rewiring of the neural pathways in your brain, replacing your outdated rationalisations and negative patterns of behaviour with new life affirming beliefs as part of the healing process. A way to manage your mindset and your emotions.
Sessions can be carried out via zoom or in person