Packages & Pricing

New Packages of Support Coming Soon

What people are saying

“I now place value on myself and as a result am making much more positive choices”

MC - Edinburgh

“I feel like I can finally breathe again”

Parent of a young person - Edinburgh

“I finally can enjoy my life and my kids, I'm living a full life rather than just existing"


" I no longer 2nd guess everything I do or don't do"


"I really feel I have a much firmer understanding of myself"


"My daily life is no longer impacted by my fear"

AC - Edinburgh

"I've got my happy girl back"

Parent of a young person

“I feel calmer, a sense of letting go. I’m less shouty with my kids, feel empowered and more of an observer”

RT - Edinburgh


Support for School Aged Children and their Parent/Carers.

Is your school aged child experiencing anxiety?

Are they finding it difficult to go to school, stay in school or focus in school?

For children and young people experiencing mild to moderate anxiety

This is for your child if they are often worried, nervousness, or fearful and its linked to specific situations, events, or activities. They may express concerns about school performance, social interactions, or family issues, sometimes accompanied by physical symptoms like stomach aches, headaches, or restlessness. They might avoid certain situations, appear overly shy, or have difficulty sleeping.

While these feelings can interfere with daily activities, they are typically manageable and not overwhelming. Encouragement, reassurance, and coping strategies, like relaxation techniques or structured routines, often help alleviate their distress.

This package has been specifically designed to support your school aged child to;

Understand anxiety,

Learn how to self-soothe, stay grounded and calm,

Build emotional resilience and confidence,

Install an inner cheerleader,

Better manage future challenges and adapt to changes or uncertainties in life.

Package details

  • 6 weekly sessions for child or young person - Face to Face sessions

  • 2 x 30 minute sessions for parent/carer - Online sessions

  • Take home resources

  • Mindfulness teaching, hypnotherapy and therapeutic coaching

Investment: £545

For children/young people experiencing severe or debilitating anxiety or phobias

This is for you and your child if they experience persistent, intense fear or worry that significantly interferes with their daily lives, including academic, social, and family functioning. They tend to avoid or excessively fear specific situations, such as school, social interactions, or being away from caregivers, sometimes leading to panic attacks or emotional meltdowns or excessive anger. Their ability to cope is often compromised, resulting in sleep disturbances, trouble concentrating, and an overwhelming sense of distress.

These packages are bespoke and holistic and are designed around the child or young persons specific issues.

Family Package (Primary School)

Intake Sessions: An opportunity for us all to take a deep dive into current struggles and get a real sense of how you feel and what you need (Separate sessions for you and you child)

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy® sessions - with bespoke audios to take home.

Therapeutic & Mindfulness Teaching Sessions

Parent support sessions

You both have access to WhatsApp support as and when required

Take home resources for children and resources for parents

Package investment: Minimum of 3 months at £340 per month.

Family Package (High School)

Intake Sessions: An opportunity for us all to take a deep dive into current struggles and get a real sense of how you feel and what you need (Separate sessions for you and your young person)

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy® sessions (approximately 2 hours duration) - plus bespoke audios to take home

Therapeutic & Mindfulness Teaching Sessions

Parent support and coaching sessions

Parenting sessions specifically to help your teen open up and communicate with you.

You both have access to WhatsApp support as and when required

Take home resources for young people and resources for parents

Package investment: Minimum of 3 months at £480 per month.

Rapid Transformational Therapy Support

  • Is anxiety negatively impacting your work, relationships, friendships, family life, your health?

  • Do you feel stuck or lost?

Rapid Transformational Therapy® and Mindfulness Teaching packages:

These transformational packages are 2 month or 3 months in length and include

Consultation call: A talking session where we take a deep dive into your presenting issue/s and getting crystal clear on what you need and want and why.

Hypnotherapy sessions: Minimum of 2 full Rapid Transformation Therapy® sessions where we use hypnotherapy as a way to find the root, the cause and the reason for the beliefs you hold. These session are typically 2 hours in length and you leave with a bespoke 20 minute hypnotherapy audio for you to listen to every day over a minimum 21 day period.

Mindfulness sessions: A minimum of 4 mindfulness teaching and practice sessions.

Prices start at £700 - £1000.