RTT & Anxiety
Which types of anxiety can RTT help?
RTT is an extraordinary method with rapid and permanent results allowing you to live a life free from anxiety.
I can help you with the following types of anxiety;
Generalised anxiety disorder
The tendency to feel anxious most of the time
The anxiety comes from a wide range of situations
Physical manifestations of anxiety
Insomnia and general sleep issues
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Panic disorders
Anxiety attacks
Panic attacks
Public Speaking
Speaking up in a small group meeting
Giving presentation in front of small or large audiences
Social Anxiety
The overwhelming fear of social situations
The overwhelming fear of crowded places
Health Anxiety
The constant worry about your health
Obsessively searching for information on the internet around signs and symptoms
Animal phobias, such as spiders or dogs.
Environmental phobias, such as heights and germs.
Situational phobias, such as going to the dentist.
Agoraphobia, the fear of leaving your home/the fear of being outdoors.